Archives for 02 October 2009

The Policy & Law-Making Process Of Afghan's "Rape Law"

AREU Lauryn Oates, 'A Closer Look: The Policy and Law-making Process Behind the Shiite Personal Status Law', Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, 30 September 2009

EXCERPT: "Since 2007, a bill had been quietly making its way through Afghanistan's parliamentary system. It was virtually unmentioned in the country's media until it was signed into force by President Karzai in March 2009. At that point, news of the law reached leaders...

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Afghan Insurgency Seen Spilling Into Central Asia

Afghanistan 'Afghan Insurgency Seen Spilling Into Central Asia', Reuters, 1 October 2009

EXCERPT: "Islamist militancy is spreading north from Afghanistan into Central Asia, threatening to disrupt NATO supply lines snaking through the former Soviet region, Russia's ambassador to Afghanistan said. A string of clashes between troops and militants in Central Asia this year has prompted talk of Islamist fighters infiltrating the volatile...

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Resourcing The Afghan War: An Overview

Anthony H. Cordeman, '', Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1 October 2009

EXCERPT: "[The report] focuses on a critical aspect of the Afghan conflict that has largely been ignored in what has so far been a vague and conceptual debate over the future US and NATO/ISAF role in the Afghan conflict. It highlights the fact that debates over strategy cannot, as some suggest, ever be...

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Unity Of Effort: Key To Success In Afghanistan

Christopher J. Lamb & Martin Cinnamond, '', Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) / National Defense University, 1 October 2009

EXCERPT: "The Barack Obama administration is debating alternatives to the population-centric counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan that it unveiled in March 2009. The reevaluation is prompted by the recent submission of supporting civil and...

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