Shaping ANSF: What It Will Take To Implement Obama's New Strategy
10 December 2009
, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 10 December 2009
EXCERPT: "President Obama has announced a new strategy for Afghanistan whose success is dependent upon beginning the transfer of responsibility for Afghan security to the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) in mid-2011. This is a far more difficult challenge...
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Kabul Mayor Case Shows Difficulty in Fighting Graft
10 December 2009
, Reuters India, 10 December 2009
EXCERPT: "Days after he was sentenced to four years jail in the biggest case since President Hamid Karzai vowed a crackdown on corruption, Kabul mayor Abdul Ahad Sayebi was still sitting on Thursday in his downtown office. Karzai's top anti-corruption official says the mayor is free on bail pending an appeal of his case. Prosecutors say he still should...
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Poll Finds Slim Majority Back More Troops
10 December 2009
, The New York Times, 10 December 2009
EXCERPT: "A bare majority of Americans support President Obama's plan to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, but many are skeptical that the United States can count on Afghanistan as a partner in the fight or that the escalation would reduce the chances of a domestic terrorist attack, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll....
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Government Knew of Detainee Abuse Risk: Cdn General
10 December 2009
Government Knew of Afghan Detainee Abuse Risk: General, Reuters Canada, 9 December 2009
EXCERPT: "In a major embarrassment for the government, Canada's top soldier unexpectedly revealed on Wednesday that some Canadian troops had known detainees handed over to Afghan authorities could be abused. The announcement by General Walt Natynczyk effectively swept away the long-held official line that there was no credible evidence prisoners...
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