Rule of Law and Search for Justice in Afghanistan
31 October 2007
Leigh Toomey and J Alexander Thier, '', , 31 October 2007.
ABSTRACT: "A legitimate, functioning and coherent justice system is urgently needed to establish peace and stability in post-Taliban Afghanistan. After three decades of war, continued insecurity, endemic corruption, and lack of resources hobble the formal justice...
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31 October 2007
Prakhar Sharma, 'Afghan Negotiations: Fairy Tale in the Making?', Daily Estimate, 31 October 2007.
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan is a multi-ethnic society. Pashtuns make up roughly 39 percent of Afghanistan's population. Tajiks, Hazaras, Uzbeks, Turkmen and Baloch are the other key ethnicities in Afghanistan. Many of these non-Pashtuns suspect that this effort towards negotiating with the Taliban is about expanding Pakistan's and pro-Pakistan...
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Afghanistan Human Development Report 2007 Now Available
31 October 2007
The full text of the Afghanistan Human Development Report 2007 is [PDF].
Click for the Monitor's original post (27 September 2007).
A of Afghanistan's Millennium Development Goals has been added to the Monitor's '' page.
ABSTRACT: "The 2007 Afghanistan Human Development Report: Bridging Modernity and Tradition - the Rule of Law and the Search for Justice builds on the 2004...
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UNHCR Suspends Afghan Repatriation Effort Until 2008
31 October 2007
'Afghanistan-Pakistan: UNHCR UNHCR Suspends Afghan Repatriation Effort', Integrated Regional Information Networks, 31 October 2007.
"The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has temporarily suspended its voluntary Afghan repatriation programme from Pakistan for the winter... More than 3.2 million Afghans have returned to their homeland from Pakistan since the programme first began in March 2002 - one of the largest efforts of its kind for the...
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