Archives for 27 January 2010

IMF Announces Debt Relief for Afghanistan

IMF  IMF Announces $1.6 Billion in Debt Relief for Afghanistan, International Monetary Fund (IMF), 27 January 2010

EXCERPT: "The IMF Executive Board has endorsed debt relief of about $1.6 billion for the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the institution announced on January 26. The announcement marks the end of a process that included clearance of arrears and debt reductions by Paris Club creditors since 1996 and will be followed by...

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Negotiating with the Taliban

Talatbek Masadykov, Antonio Giustozzi, and James Michael Page, , London School of Economics - Crisis States Research Centre, 27 January 2010

EXCERPT: "The principal author of this paper, Talatbek Masadykov, has worked in Afghanistan as a Political Affairs Officer, as Head of UNAMA Field Office and as Chief of the Political Affairs Division. He spent some time as a...

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The US Administration's Strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan

CAP The Administration's Strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Center for American Progress, 27 January 2010

EXCERPT: "National Security Advisor General James L. Jones opened an event at the Center for American Progress on Monday by outlining the administration's broad national security objectives in advance of the president's upcoming State of the Union address and the international conference on Afghanistan in London on January 28. Jones...

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Quick Impact, Quick Collapse

Oxfam et al Quick Impact, Quick Collapse: The Dangers of Militarized Aid in Afghanistan, ActionAid; Afghanaid; CARE; Christian Aid; Concern; Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC); Oxfam; Tr?caire, 27 January 2010

EXCERPT: "As political pressures to 'show results' in troop contributing countries intensify, more and more assistance is being channelled through military actors to 'win hearts and minds' while efforts to address the underlying...

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