Archives for 22 October 2008

Over 60 Percent Of Suicide Bombers Are Physically Disabled

Afghanistan 'Over 60 Percent Of Suicide Bombers In Afghanistan Are Physically Disabled', The Mainichi Daily News, 22 October 2008

EXCERPT: "Over 60 percent of suicide bombers in Afghanistan are people with physical disabilities, a study has shown. Those left crippled by land mines or unexploded shells are being regularly recruited by the Taliban as suicide bombers, according to Rusuf Radgari, an associate professor at Kabul University's...

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From Great Game to Grand Bargain

FA Barnett R. Rubin and Ahmed Rashid, 'From Great Game to Grand Bargain: Ending Chaos in Afghanistan and Pakistan', Foreign Affairs, November/December 2008

EXCERPT: "The Great Game is no fun anymore. The term "Great Game" was used by nineteenth-century British imperialists to describe the British-Russian struggle for position on the chessboard of Afghanistan and Central Asia -- a contest with a few players, mostly limited...

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Afghans to Karzai: You Failed Us

Afghanistan 'Afghans to Karzai: You Failed Us', The Christian Science Monitor, 22 October 2008

EXCERPT: "Hajji Mohammed Aman sits in the half-light of his west Kabul real estate office and makes a demand of his president. 'When you decide to do something, you have to do it, even if it costs you your life,' he says, firmly but without bluster. The comment hints at why the country that once chose President Hamid Karzai to lead it into...

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Coalition Airstrike Kills 9 Afghan Soldiers, Officials Say

'', Washington Post, 22 October 2008

EXCERPT: "Nine Afghan soldiers were killed and four others injured by a U.S. airstrike on an Afghan army checkpoint Wednesday in an apparent friendly fire incident in eastern Afghanistan, according to Afghan and U.S. military officials. The predawn airstrike occurred after a convoy of coalition troops came under fire as they returned...

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