Archives for 21 September 2009

Pakistan's Security Gains Contrast Afghan Turmoil

'', The Associated Press, 21 September 2009

EXCERPT: "A successful army offensive, a shift in public opinion against the militants and the killing of top Taliban leaders have given grounds for cautious optimism in Pakistan as progress across the border in Afghanistan appears stalled amid spiraling violence and postelection turmoil. To the relief of the West, the army moved...

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British Commanders Demand More Troops

UK 'British Commanders Demand More Troops', The Guardian, 21 September 2009

EXCERPT: "British commanders want between 1,000 and 2,000 more UK troops to be deployed in southern Afghanistan, and want a government decision on reinforcements soon, military sources have said. Echoing divisions in Washington between the politicians and the military, top British commanders argue that more troops now will help the counter-insurgency operation...

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New Terror Threat Against Germany

Germany 'New Terror Threat Against Germany', Deutsche Welle, 20 September 2009

EXCERPT: "There's been a fresh Islamist threat to Germany via a second Internet video since Friday. This has raised new concerns that al-Qaeda-linked terrorists may be trying to scare German voters before next weekend's polls. Thirty-two-year-old Bekkay Harrach reportedly appears once again in an Internet video to warn Germans of a possible terror...

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McChrystal: More Forces or "Mission Failure"

'', The Washington Post, 21 September 2009

EXCERPT: "The top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan warns in an urgent, confidential assessment of the war that he needs more forces within the next year and bluntly states that without them, the eight-year conflict 'will likely result in failure,' according to a copy of the obtained by The Washington...

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