Plugging Afghanistan's Brain Drain
20 November 2008
'Plugging Afghanistan's Brain Drain', National Public Radio, 20 November 2008
EXCERPT: "The future of war-ravaged Afghanistan could be determined by a new generation of people committed to helping the country rebuild. Khaleeq Ahmad, who returned to Afghanistan days ago to work for an Afghan telecom company, is one of them. He's hopeful that he can follow Mohandas Gandhi's charge to 'be the change you want to...
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Taliban Regains Power, Influence In Afghanistan
20 November 2008
'Taliban Regains Power, Influence In Afghanistan', The Wall Street Journal, 20 November 2008
EXCERPT: "The Taliban are setting up courts and other local-government institutions across southern Afghanistan, challenging U.S. efforts to pacify the country and bolster the authority of the central government in Kabul. Senior American military officials said the Taliban run roughly two dozen law courts in southern Afghanistan, one of...
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Pentagon Wants British Iraq Forces Redeployed In Afghan "Surge"
20 November 2008
'Pentagon Wants British Iraq Forces Redeployed In Afghan "Surge"', Times Online, 20 November 2008
EXCERPT: "The Pentagon wants Britain to use troops withdrawn from Iraq to reinforce the Nato mission in Afghanistan, despite strong misgivings in the Ministry of Defence. Speaking before a meeting today of defence ministers representing the eight countries fighting in southern Afghanistan, Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon...
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Russia Gives NATO Land Bridge To Afghanistan
20 November 2008
'', Kyiv Post, 20 November 2008
EXCERPT: "Russia has granted NATO-member Germany permission to ship weapons and equipment for its force in Afghanistan overland through Russia, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday. The agreement showed Russia's willingness to cooperate with the Western military alliance over Afghanistan despite sharp disagreements over the war in Georgia,...
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