Archives for 01 April 2009

New Suicide Attack Tactic By Militants

Afghanistan 'New Suicide Attack Tactic By Afghan Militants', The Australian, 1 April 2009

EXCERPT: "Militants in suicide vests attacked the provincial council's office in Afghanistan's largest southern city in a multi-pronged attack that began with a car bomb explosion, officials said. At least nine people - including three attackers - died. The co-ordinated assault underscored a new tactic by Afghan militants to launch multidirectional...

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Re-emerging Alliance Between Pakistani Military and Taliban

MEMRI 'Re-emerging Alliance Between Pakistani Military And Taliban In Pakistan And Afghanistan', The Middle East Media Research Institute, 1 April 2009

EXCERPT: "In the recent months, an old-new alliance has been re-emerging between the Taliban and Pakistan, aimed at countering the efforts of the U.S. and NATO troops against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Pakistani authorities recently signed two agreements with the Taliban...

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NATO Afghanistan Report 2009

'', North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 31 March 2009

EXCERPT: "In 2008, the United Nations-mandated International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), led by NATO, continued to support the nascent Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) in the provision of security throughout the country. The overall security picture in 2008 was mixed. Violence rose sharply in parts of the South, South-East and South-West,...

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US Reconciliation Offer "Lunatic": Taliban

Taliban 'US Reconciliation Offer "Lunatic": Taliban Spokesman', Reuters, 1 April 2009

EXCERPT: "Taliban insurgents reject a U.S. offer of 'honourable reconciliation', a top spokesman said on Wednesday, calling it a 'lunatic idea' and saying the only way to end the war was to withdraw foreign troops. With the Afghan conflict now in its eighth year, NATO-led forces and the Taliban are locked in a bloody stalemate...

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