Surprising Election Results Reveal New Faces Outnumber Old Ones
22 October 2010
Wolesi Jirga Results Surprising, Pajhwok Afghan News, 21 October 2010
EXCERPT: "A nomadic Kuchi won the highest number of votes in last month's parliamentary election, illustrating the somewhat surprising results released by the election commission. Mullah Tarakhel Muhammani won a total of 26, 476 votes in the September 18 election, according to a preliminary list issued by the Independent Election Commission (IEC) on October 20....
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A Closer Look at the Afghanistan Counter-insurgency Strategy: "CT is Subset of COIN"
22 October 2010
, Foreign Policy // Best Defense, 20 October 2010
EXCERPT: "Since Petraeus has arrived in Afghanistan, he has increased the intensity of every element of a comprehensive civil-military COIN campaign, not just the so-called CT element. After my trip to Afghanistan last month, during which I visited at...
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Training on Track but Afghan Police "Not Yet Ready to Take Charge"
22 October 2010
Training Puts Afghan Police on Track to Take Over Security, American Forces Press Service, 21 October 2010
EXCERPT: "Significant progress over the last year in training the Afghan National Police has put Afghanistan's interior ministry on track to care for its country's own security by 2014, a senior official involved in the training effort said today. Maj. Gen. Stuart Beare of the Canadian army, deputy commanding general for police...
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Over One Billion Dollars Worth of Aid Projects at Risk over Security Firm Ban
22 October 2010
Hamid Karzai's Crackdown on Private Security Puts $1bn Afghan Aid at Risk, The Guardian, 21 October 2010
EXCERPT: "More than a billion dollars worth of aid projects in Afghanistan will have to be cancelled by the end of the month if Hamid Karzai persists with his demand that all private security companies should be disbanded by the end of the year, according to figures seen by the Guardian. [...] Now figures presented by companies...
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No High-level Afghan Peace Talks Under Way: US Officials, Experts
22 October 2010
U.S. Officials, Experts: No High-level Afghan Peace Talks Under Way, McClatchy, 21 October 2010
EXCERPT: "Despite news reports of high-level talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government, no significant peace negotiations are under way in Afghanistan, U.S. officials and Afghanistan experts said Thursday. These same experts said the reports, which appeared in a number of U.S. media outlets, could be part of a U.S. 'information...
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