Archives for 15 August 2007

76 Civilian Contractors Killed in Afghanistan: Labor Department

At least 76 contractors working for American firms have been killed in Afghanistan, according to new data released by the US Labor Department. In addition, at least 879 contractors have been injured during the US mission in the volatile country. The data, compiled by the U.S. Labor Department's Division of Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation, was released to Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), only after she personally requested it, according...

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Transnational Rebels: Neighboring States as Sanctuary for Rebel Groups


Idean Salehyan, 'Transnational Rebels: Neighboring States as Sanctuary for Rebel Groups', World Politics, Volume 59, Issue 2 January 2007, pages 217-242

New research on civil wars confirms that rebel access to bases in neighbouring countries has a significant effect on the prolongation of conflict. In an article published in the journal World Politics, Idean Salehyan argues that national borders "place fundamental limitations...

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