Archives for 23 November 2009

NATO Training of Army, Police to Consolidate Efforts

NATO 'NATO Takes Command of Afghan Army, Police Training', Reuters, 21 November 2009

EXCERPT: "NATO took command of the training of the Afghan army and police on Saturday to consolidate efforts on building an effective security force, a vital precondition for the withdrawal of foreign troops. . . Deputy Commander of the new NATO mission Major General Michael Ward said he believed the move would encourage more NATO training personnel to be sent...

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UK Promotes Amnesty, Govt Jobs for Defecting Taliban

UK 'Afghanistan: British Offering Amnesties to Taliban who Defect to Government', The Telegraph, 23 November 2009

EXCERPT: "British officials are promoting amnesties for Taliban fighters who defect to the government even if they are known to be responsible for military or civilian deaths. Lieut Gen Jim Dutton, the senior British officer in Afghanistan, said it was inevitable that Talibs who repudiated violence under the plan would be protected...

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Militias Battle Taliban with Aid of US

'', The New York Times, 21 November 2009

EXCERPT: "American and Afghan officials have begun helping a number of anti-Taliban militias that have independently taken up arms against insurgents in several parts of Afghanistan, prompting hopes of a large-scale tribal rebellion against the Taliban. The emergence of the militias, which took some leaders in Kabul by surprise, has so encouraged...

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Attacks on Schools on the Rise: Report

'', CARE Canada, 23 November 2009

EXCERPT: "'Stop teaching and running the girls' school, otherwise you will be slaughtered.' That was the message to the Headmaster of a girls' school in Logar, just south of Kabul, when unknown masked gunmen took him out of his house late one evening and beat him up. The attacks...

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