Sweden to Strengthen Presence in Afghanistan
17 December 2010
Sweden to Strengthen Presence in Afghanistan, DefenseNews, 16 December 2010
EXCERPT: "Four days after the first jihadist suicide bomb on Swedish soil injured two in an attack in downtown Stockholm, lawmakers voted 290-20 with 19 abstentions on Dec. 15 to extend the country's military presence in Afghanistan. The decision allows the government to add troops to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. About...
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New Guidelines for Night Raids in Afghanistan: Coalition Official
17 December 2010
New Guidelines for Night Raids in Afghanistan, Coalition Official Says, CNN, 17 December 2010
EXCERPT: "Coalition troops in Afghanistan have been issued revised guidelines for conducting night raids, an official from NATO's International Security Assistance Force said Friday. The raids are considered effective tools to rout insurgents, but they have angered Afghan civilians and government officials. The new directive is meant to...
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Germany to Begin Withdrawing Troops from Afghanistan in 2011
17 December 2010
, The New York Times, 16 December 2010
EXCERPT: "Germany, which has the third largest military force in Afghanistan, will start withdrawing its 4,800 troops as early as next year, ending its mission there by 2014, the foreign minister told Parliament on Thursday. The move comes as a review of the war strategy in the United States has concluded that American forces can begin withdrawing on schedule...
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EU Needs to Radically Rethink Its Afghan Exit Strategy: European Parliament
17 December 2010
Afghanistan: EU Needs to Radically Rethink Its Exit Strategy, European Parliament, 16 December 2010
EXCERPT: "It is time to acknowledge that military intervention in Afghanistan has failed and even led to a deterioration of security there, say MEPs in a report, approved by a show of hands on Thursday, which blames the coalition forces for miscalculating their options. A new EU exit strategy needs to be shaped in full co-operation with...
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Afghan Training Mission Should Focus on Women: Canada's Senate Committee
17 December 2010
[pdf], Senate of Canada // Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights, 1 December 2010
EXCERPT: "Canada's combat mission in Kandahar will end in 2011. The government has decided to refocus Canada's military contribution to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)-led mission in Afghanistan on a training role until 2014. Within this context, the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights examined...
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