Archives for 10 September 2010

Karzai Divides Afghanistan in Reaching Out to Taliban

AfghanistanKarzai Divides Afghanistan in Reaching Out to Taliban, The Wall Street Journal, 10 September 2010

EXCERPT: "Afghan President Hamid Karzai's recent attempts to placate the Taliban haven't made him many new friends among the insurgents. But they have definitely alienated some crucial old friends: the country's ethnic minorities, who have been a linchpin of Mr. Karzai's American-backed government. After nine years of war,...

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, The Washington Post, 8 September 2010

EXCERPT: "In the span of several months, U.S.-backed investigative teams have assembled alarming evidence of rampant corruption in Afghanistan and the extent to which it reaches the highest ranks of that nation's government. But the American effort to increase Afghanistan's capacity to combat corruption has also had unintended consequences,...

NATO Chief Appeals for More Troops to Train Afghans

, AFP, 10 September 2010

EXCERPT: "NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen Friday appealed to members of the coalition in Afghanistan to provide more troops able to train Afghans, and ensure a swifter withdrawal of foreign forces. 'On troop requests, we have been quite successful in the generation of new forces,' he told a joint news conference in Madrid with Spanish Prime Minister...

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MPs Vote to Keep UK Troops in Afghanistan

UKMPs Vote to Keep UK Troops in Afghanistan, BBC News, 9 September 2010

EXCERPT: "MPs have overwhelmingly backed keeping UK troops in Afghanistan, in the first vote they have held on the issue. There have been several statements and debates since the invasion took place almost nine years ago, but a motion has not previously been put to MPs. The vote, on the question that 'this House supports the continued deployment of UK armed forces...

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