British Public Favours Afghanistan Withdrawal
17 January 2008
'', YouGov, 17 December 2007 and 'Troops Not Winning in Afghanistan, Say Britons', Angus Reid Global Monitor, 25 December 2007
A majority of Britons believe British troops should be withdrawn from Afghanistan, according a recent poll. The poll, conducted by YouGov, found that 62 percent of Britons were in favour of withdrawal. 27 percent want an 'immediate' withdrawal; 35 percent favour withdrawal within...
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Who Are Pakistan's Militants and Their Families?
17 January 2008
C. Christine Fair, 'Who Are Pakistan's Militants and Their Families?', Terrorism and Political Violence, Volume 20, Issue 1 January 2008 , pages 49 - 65
ABSTRACT: "This article presents results of a survey of 141 Pakistani families of slain militants. This survey collected data about the militants and their households. While derived from a convenience sample, these data are unprecedented and offer a glimpse into the backgrounds of...
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New UN Envoy to Afghanistan Profiled
17 January 2008
Doug Saunders, 'UN's New Afghan Envoy a Tough Critic of the West', The Globe and Mail, 17 January 2008
EXCERPTS: "Paddy Ashdown... veteran British politician, diplomat, soldier and international overseer of Bosnia will become the United Nations's new super-envoy to Afghanistan... the UN is hoping that Mr. Ashdown will be a powerful organizer, bridging the widening chasm between the military and diplomatic forces of 39 nations, making...
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