Archives for 25 November 2008

10 Taliban Arrested In Acid Attack

'', The Associated Press, 25 November 2008

EXCERPT: "Afghan police have arrested 10 Taliban militants involved in an acid attack this month against 15 girls and teachers walking to school in southern Afghanistan, a provincial governor said Tuesday. 'Several' of the arrested militants have confessed to taking part in the acid attack, said Kandahar Gov. Rahmatullah Raufi....

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Miliband Denies UK Troops Claim

'Miliband Denies UK Troops Claim', BBC News, 25 November 2008

EXCERPT: "David Miliband has denied reports that an extra 2,000 British troops will be sent to Afghanistan. During a visit to the country, he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme these figures were based on 'speculation'. Ministers were believed to have been considering sending reinforcements to Afghanistan to meet an expected request from US President-elect...

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Afghanistan Demands 'Timeline' for End of Military Intervention

'', AFP, 25 November 2008

EXCERPT: "President Hamid Karzai demanded at a meeting with a UN Security Council team Tuesday that the international community set a 'timeline' for ending military intervention in Afghanistan, his office said. Karzai told a delegation from the Council that his country needed to know how long the US-led 'war on terror'...

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Pervasive Corruption Fuels Deep Anger

Afghanistan 'Pervasive Corruption Fuels Deep Anger In Afghanistan', Chicago Tribune, 25 November 2008

EXCERPT: "Ramzan Bashardost drives a beat-up black 1991 Suzuki with a cracked windshield and often sleeps in a tent?habits hardly befitting a respected member of parliament. His relatives think he is crazy. But Bashardost, 46, now running for president, said he is making a point against persistent corruption in the Afghan government....

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