Guttenberg Makes Snap Visit to Afghanistan
14 April 2010
Guttenberg Makes Snap Visit to Afghanistan, The Local, 14 April 2010
EXCERPT: "Visiting troops at their headquarters in northern Afghanistan, Guttenberg also said he wanted to examine the situation on the ground to see whether soldiers had the necessary equipment and backing. 'To me, it's important to make clear to soldiers on the ground that the political leadership stands behind them,' Guttenberg said. It was also vital...
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Justice Action Plan Heading for Oblivion
14 April 2010
Justice Action Plan Heading for Oblivion, IRIN News, 14 April 2010
EXCERPT: "President Hamid Karzai has refused to extend an action plan for transitional justice which expired in March 2009 but failed to achieve most of its targets, according to human rights groups. The Peace, Reconciliation and Justice Action Plan (PRJAP) - widely known as transitional justice - was endorsed by the Afghan government and international community in 2005...
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US Forces Leave Korengal Valley
14 April 2010
, The Washington Post, 14 April 2010
EXCERPT: "More than 40 U.S. soldiers have been killed, and scores more wounded, in helicopter crashes, machine-gun attacks and grenade blasts in the Korengal Valley, a jagged sliver just six miles deep and a half-mile wide. The Afghan death toll has been far higher, making the Korengal some of the bloodiest ground in all of Afghanistan, according to...
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Keeping Our Promises
14 April 2010
, Canada-Afghanistan Solidarity Committee, 9 March 2010
EXCERPT: "On March 13, 2008, following the report of the Independent Panel on Canada's Future Role in Afghanistan (the 'Manley Panel' report), the House of Commons adopted a resolution calling for an end to Canadian combat operations in Kandahar by July, 2011. Specifically: 'Canada will end its presence...
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