Archives for 22 December 2009

The Northern Distribution Network and the Modern Silk Road

CSIS_Report_110 The Northern Distribution Network and the Modern Silk Road, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 17 December 2009

EXCERPT: "As the U.S. presence in Afghanistan increases, so too will its demand for nonmilitary supplies. To accommodate this growth and address ongoing concerns with Pakistani supply lines, U.S. planners have opened the Northern Distribution Network (NDN), a commercially-based logistical corridor connecting Baltic...

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Despite Aid, Hunger Still Stalks Afghan Children

, The Associated Press, 21 December 2009

 EXCERPT: "While international forces in Afghanistan battle militants hiding in the mountains, aid agencies are fighting an even more elusive enemy: malnutrition. The World Food Program and UNICEF have launched a project to feed thousands of mothers and children ? some too weak to cry. Aid workers hope a high-protein diet distributed through a network of village clinics...

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NATO Will "Stay the Course" in Afghanistan: Chief

, AFP, 22 December 2009

EXCERPT: "Visiting NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Tuesday reiterated the alliance's commitment to Afghanistan, saying troops will stay for as long as necessary despite paying a high price. 'The international community will stand with you, will protect you and help rebuild your country until you are ready to stand on your own and...

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For US, Vast Challenge To Expand Afghan Forces

United States For U.S., Vast Challenge To Expand Afghan Forces, NPR, 20 December 2009

EXCERPT: "Twice as many recruits joined the Afghan army in the first two weeks of December as during the entire previous month. Among them are hundreds of young men at a military training center in the hills of eastern Kabul. President Obama's strategy for Afghanistan hinges on a rapid buildup of the Afghan army and police force to fight the Taliban and al-Qaida...

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