Afghan, NATO Forces Build Security Plan For Election
05 May 2009
'', China View, 5 May 2009
EXCERPT: "Afghan troops backed by the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) started brewing a plan to ensure a safe and secure environment for the approaching Presidential election set on August 20, officials said on Tuesday. 'For the security of election, there are about 95,000 Afghan National Army and the same number or more...
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The Migration-Displacement Nexus in Afghanistan
05 May 2009
Khalid Koser, 'The Migration-Displacement Nexus in Afghanistan', Brookings Institution, 4 May 2009
EXCERPT: "Migration and displacement in and from Afghanistan are bewilderingly complex: one of the world's largest and most enduring protracted refugee situations coincides with the largest repatriation in recent history ? over five million refugees have returned since 2002 but over three million remain in exile. Returnees to Afghanistan...
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US Investigates Civilian Deaths Claim
05 May 2009
'US Investigates Claims Of Civilian Deaths In Afghanistan Clash', Los Angeles Times, 5 May 2009
EXCERPT: "The U.S. military said today it was investigating claims by Afghan officials that up to 70 civilians were killed amid heavy fighting between the Taliban and coalition forces in a remote western district. Claims and counter-claims about civilian casualties have long been among the most contentious issues between the Afghan...
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Afghanistan In 2009: The First Quarter
05 May 2009
Raghav Sharma, '', Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS), 4 May 2009
EXCERPT: "In the first quarter of 2009, three issues have taken center stage: Taliban resurgence and it's spread into Pakistan; the Af-Pak strategy of the US unveiled by Obama; and the debate on the forthcoming Afghan Presidential elections. This essay attempts to analyze the above three crucial developments....
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