Australia To Send Military Trainers To Afghanistan
19 February 2008
'Australia To Send Military Trainers To Afghanistan', Reuters, 19 February 2008
EXCERPT: "Australia will send military trainers to help build up the Afghan army, Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon said on Tuesday [19 February 2008], as part of his push for a new international strategy for Afghanistan. But Fitzgibbon ruled out increasing Australia's overall military contribution to Afghanistan, saying Australia would maintain its reconstruction...
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Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan
19 February 2008
'', European Center for Security Studies, January 2008
EXCERPT: "Since 2003, the so-called Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) have attempted to combine relatively small civilian and military components on the ground in Afghanistan, to achieve comprehensive results by focusing on provincial and district centres and to support the political leadership as well as the Afghan society extensively, without,...
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Effect of Security Threats On Primary Care Access In Logar Province, Afghanistan
19 February 2008
Masahiro J. Morikawa, 'Effect of Security Threats On Primary Care Access In Logar Province, Afghanistan', Medicine, Conflict and Survival, February 2008
EXCERPT: "Security threats are a major concern for access to health care in many war-torn communities; however, there is little quantified data on actual access to care in rural communities during war. Kinderberg International e.V. provided primary care in rural Logar province, Afghanistan,...
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