U.S. Funding for Afghanistan Operations to Jump by 75 Percent
26 November 2007
Amy Belasco, '', Congressional Research Service, 9 November 2007
EXCERPT: "How has funding for Afghanistan and other Global War on Terror Operations changed over time?
"As of enactment of the , Afghanistan has received about $127 billion in appropriations for DOD, foreign and diplomatic operations, and VA medical. In recent...
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Report Highlights Pentagon's Growing Role in Development
26 November 2007
Stewart Patrick and Kaysie Brown, '', Center for Global Development, November 2007
ABSTRACT: "One of the most striking trends in U.S. foreign aid policy is the surging role of the Department of Defense (DoD). The Pentagon now accounts for over 20 percent of U.S. official development assistance (ODA). The overwhelming bulk of ODA goes to Iraq and Afghanistan,...
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ISAF Members Adding Armour to Counter IED Threat
26 November 2007
'Dutch Choose Bushmaster IMVs for Afghan Mission', Defense Industry Daily, 25 November 2007
"Despite ongoing US procurement of M1151/M1152 Hummers, the retreat from Jeep-like vehicles is accelerating among Western militaries. Insufficiently protected against land mine threats in modern conflict zones, and insufficiently protectable due to inherent design limitations, conventional vehicles like G-Wagens, Land Rovers, and HMMWVs are...
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