Taliban Commander Linked to Al-Qaeda Killed in Afghan North
26 January 2011
Al Qaeda-linked Taliban Commander Killed in Afghan North [blog], The Long War Journal, 25 January 2011
EXCERPT: "During a raid in the northern province of Takhar yesterday, Coalition and Afghan special operations forces killed a Taliban commander linked to al Qaeda. The Taliban commander, known as Hafiz, 'had ties with an al Qaeda facilitator' in the Afghan north, the International Security Assistance Force said in a press release....
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US Review Claims 20% Decrease in Civilian Casualties Caused by Coalition
26 January 2011
US Finishing Afghan Casualty Review, The Wall Street Journal, 26 January 2011
EXCERPT: "A group of top Pentagon officers is close to completing a review designed to reduce civilian casualties in Afghanistan, one of the biggest sources of friction between Washington and Kabul.The Civilian Casualties Working Group, which draws representatives from various military services and commands, has the job of refining training and setting common procedures...
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Afghan President Opens Parliament
26 January 2011
, The New York Times, 26 January 2011
EXCERPT: "In a victory for lawmakers, President Hamid Karzai inaugurated the National Assembly on Wednesday, ending months of delays but only partially settling the controversy and recriminations over the September parliamentary elections, which were fraught with charges of widespread fraud. With the swearing in of the 249 members of the lower house, Afghanistan...
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German Held by US Military in Afghanistan
26 January 2011
Joining the Jihad? German Held by US Military in Afghanistan, Spiegel Online, 26 January 2011
EXCERPT: "US forces are holding a German citizen of Afghan descent at Bagram prison outside of Kabul. The man's family insists he was merely in Afghanistan to visit his father -- and says German officials were complicit in his arrest. The arrest took place in the middle of the night. In early January, US troops in Afghanistan stormed a house...
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Afghan Officials Want to Prolong Detentions
26 January 2011
, The Washington Post, 26 January 2011
EXCERPT: "Afghan justice and security officials want to adopt the U.S. practice of detaining suspected insurgents indefinitely without trial, according to senior U.S. and Afghan officials involved in efforts to have the government in Kabul take control of detention operations in the country. The Afghans' embrace of prolonged detention could provoke...
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