Archives for 21 August 2008

US Strike Aided Bin Laden-Taliban Ties

'', The Associated Press, 20 August 2008

EXCERPT: "The U.S. cruise missile strike on an al-Qaida training camp in Afghanistan in 1998 was meant to kill Osama bin Laden. But he apparently left shortly before the missiles struck, and newly declassified U.S. documents suggest the attack cemented an alliance with his Taliban protectors. The State Department documents released Wednesday [20...

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Polish Troops Have To Adjust Tactics

Poland 'Polish Troops Have To Adjust Tactics In Afghanistan', The News, 21 August 2008

EXCERPT: "Minister of Defence Bogdan Klich said today that Polish troops in Afghanistan have to adjust their tactics after three Polish soldiers were killed in Afghanistan yesterday [20 August 2008]. Klich stressed during a teleconference with the commanders of the Polish contingent at the Operational Command of the Armed Forces that the situation in Afghanistan...

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Afghanistan's Renewed Jihadi Allure

Time'Afghanistan's Renewed Jihadi Allure', TIME Magazine, 21 August 2008

EXCERPT: "For the last few years, Iraq was the magnet for jihadis around the world. No longer. Afghanistan, which was the center of extremist pilgrimage when it was ruled by the Taliban, has retaken that position, according to European intelligence sources. 'The degree to which Islamist extremists around the world have dropped their previous obsession with Iraq and now...

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Canada Turning Away Afghan Asylum Seekers

Canada 'Canada Turning Away Afghan Asylum Seekers', Embassy, 20 August 2008

EXCERPT: "Despite repeated statements that progress is being made in Afghanistan, thousands of Afghans are actively trying to flee to the safety of countries abroad, including Canada. But it appears that Afghans seeking asylum in Canada stand a better chance of being granted refuge if they can make their way onto Canadian soil rather than apply at visa offices overseas,...

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