Archives for 08 August 2008

2,500 HIV Cases In Afghanistan, Says Ministry

'', The Frontier Post, 8 August 2008

EXCERPT: "There are an estimated 2500 HIV positive cases in Afghanistan, a country reeling from decades of war, poverty, illiteracy, massive displacements, high levels of poppy cultivation and commercial and unsafe sex. Unsafe injection practices, drug trafficking and usage, unsafe injection practices and blood transfusion were potential risk factors for...

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Canadian Troops Help Net Drugs, Weapons

'', The Canadian Press, 8 August 2008

EXCERPT: "Canadian military officials said Friday a joint operation with Afghan and coalition forces have disrupted enemy activities in an area of Kandahar province seen as a hub of insurgent activities. A large quantity of weapons, bomb-making materials and narcotics were seized in the ongoing operation in Maywand district...

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Four Women, Child Killed In Offensive Against Militants

ISAF 'Afghanistan Coalition Says Four Women, Child Killed In Offensive Against Militants', VOA News, 8 August 2008

EXCERPT: "U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan say Friday they inadvertently killed four women and a child while battling militants in central Afghanistan. A U.S. military spokeswoman, Lieutenant Colonel Rumi Nelson-Green, says the civilians were killed Thursday as troops moved in on a key Taliban militant in the Giro district of central...

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US Defense Department To Beef Up Afghanistan Troops

'', China View, 8 August 2008

EXCERPT: "The Pentagon is planning to beef up Afghanistan troops and rebuild the U.S. command in the country to facilitate fight against the resurging Taliban militants, said the New York Times on Friday [8 August]. Defense Secretary Robert Gates would endorse a plan of 20 billion U.S. dollars, which was proposed by the Afghan government, to nearly double...

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