Germany: Civilians Likely Killed In Afghan Strike
06 November 2009
'', The Associated Press, 6 November 2009
EXCERPT: "Germany's defense minister said Friday he believes civilians were killed in an airstrike in Afghanistan, but insisted that the German-requested attack was necessary from a military standpoint. Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg said a NATO report concludes there were 'procedural errors' in the Sept. 4 airstrike, but he...
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Is Iran Supporting The Insurgency In Afghanistan?
06 November 2009
Chris Zambelis, 'Is Iran Supporting The Insurgency In Afghanistan?', The Jamestown Foundation, 6 November 2009
EXCERPT: "Violence and instability in Afghanistan continue to rage in the form of an organic insurgency shaped by local identities, networks, and interests. Operating under the nebulous rubric of the Taliban, the insurgents in Afghanistan have evolved in sophistication, lethality, and geographic scope in recent years....
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Drugs, Defections Plaguing Afghan Forces: NATO Commander
06 November 2009
'Drugs, Defections Plaguing Afghan Forces: NATO Commander', Times of India, 6 November 2009
EXCERPT: "The Afghan army and police forces, which should one day ensure the security of their country on their own, are plagued by defections and drug addiction, according to NATO commanders. NATO defence ministers, meeting last month in Bratislava, approved a plan to focus the strategy in Afghanistan on protecting civilians from...
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Brown Warns Afghan Leader On Corruption
06 November 2009
'', The New York Times, 6 November 2009
EXCERPT: "In unusually harsh terms reflecting international frustration with President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Friday that the government in Kabul would forfeit its right to international support against the Taliban insurgency if it failed to root out corruption. 'Sadly, the government of Afghanistan had become...
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