08 December 2008
'Commander Sees "Tough Fight" In Afghan War', USA Today, 8 December 2008
EXCERPT: "The top commander of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan said Sunday that 2009 will be a 'tough fight' in Afghanistan and the United States will need nearly twice as many troops for up to four years to stabilize the country. In an interview with USA TODAY at the International Security Assistance Force headquarters, Gen. David McKiernan...
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Justice Sector Reform In Afghanistan
08 December 2008
Matteo Tondini, 'Justice Sector Reform in Afghanistan: From a "Lead Nation" Approach to a "Mixed Ownership" Regime?', Transition Studies Review, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2009
ABSTRACT: "The article describes the policy-making structure which governs the reform of justice in Afghanistan. It is characterized by an evolution from a bilateral to a multilateral approach, aimed at increasing the Afghan ownership. However, observing...
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Taliban Strikes NATO Supply Depot In Pakistan
08 December 2008
'Taliban Strikes NATO Supply Depot In Pakistan', VOA News, 8 December 2008
EXCERPT: "Taliban militants in Pakistan have raided another supply depot used to support international troops in Afghanistan as a new report estimated Taliban fighters have a permanent presence in nearly three-quarters of Afghanistan. In the past two days militants have stormed two warehouses in Peshawar that are key transport hubs for supply convoys...
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"The Taliban Now Holds A Permanent Presence In 72% Of Afghanistan"
08 December 2008
'', International Council on Security and Development, 8 December 2008
EXCERPT: "While the international community's prospects in Afghanistan have never been bleaker, the Taliban has been experiencing a renaissance that has gained momentum since 2005. At the end of 2001, uprooted from its strongholds and with its critical mass shattered, it was viewed as a spent force. It was naively assumed...
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