Archives for 09 April 2008

Canada's Air Force Boosts Its Heavy Lift Capacity

Canada_3'Canada's Air Force Boosts Its Heavy Lift Capacity Into Afghanistan',, 9 April 2008

EXCERPT: "The lights of a lonely village twinkled below as Maj. Tim Burke maneuvered the giant, camouflaged C-17 Globemaster into position for a spine-tingling, rapid descent into Kandahar Airfield with a 43,000-kilogram load of ammo, mail, medical supplies, computers and paper cups for Canadian troops fighting the Taliban in southern Afghanistan....

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US: Al-Qaeda Equally Dangerous In Iraq, Afghanistan

'', Agence France Presse, 9 April 2008

EXCERPT: "The White House on Wednesday [9 April 2008] distanced itself from the US ambassador to Iraq's statement that Al-Qaeda on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border is a greater threat than Al-Qaeda in Iraq. 'The president is concerned about both, but I have not heard him describe it as prioritizing one or the other. Al-Qaeda is dangerous, full stop,'...

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Study on HIV/Aids in Afghanistan: InterMedia

'', InterMedia, 9 April 2008

EXCERPT: "InterMedia, a Washington, D.C.-based research, evaluation and consulting organization, today released findings from a nationwide survey of Afghanistan that finds low awareness and knowledge levels about HIV/AIDS, but also shows that education and access to media are important predictors for heightened awareness. Some key findings from HIV and AIDS Awareness in Afghanistan...

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Afghan opium ? The farmer's perspective

Afghanistan_2'Afghan opium ? The farmer's perspective', Middle East Times, 8 April 2008

EXCERPT: "In Afghanistan opium poppies are much more likely to be grown in areas where security has broken down and power is wielded by the Taliban, who encourage farmers to grow the crop. It does not take a lot of prodding, since farmers can make about 10 to 20 times more money growing poppies than they can make on wheat, corn, cotton, fruit, or other legal crops....

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New Guns For A Bang-Up Job

Canada_2'New Guns For A Bang-Up Job', The Globe and Mail, 9 April 2008

EXCERPT: "A perennial late-sleeper is assigned the enemy role and hunches behind a large rock while his Afghan National Army comrades advance in waves across the gravel helicopter pad. This is not a live-fire exercise, so the target aims his weapon and mimics the noise of an assault rifle. Afghans drop to the prone position while Canadian advisers watch and make mental notes....

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UN Envoy: Military Alone Not Solution To Afghanistan Problem

'', China View, 9 April 2008

EXCERPT: "The newly appointed UN Secretary General's special representative to Afghanistan Kai Eide emphasized Wednesday [9 April 2008] that military alone would not lead to durable stability in the war-torn country. 'Another important thing I can repeat is that progress and solution to the problem of Afghanistan cannot and will not rest with military...

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Iranians Kill 13 Afghan Refugees: Afghan Police

Iran'Iranians Kill 13 Afghan Refugees: Afghan Police', Reuters, 9 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Iranian security forces have killed 13 Afghan refugees on the Afghan side of the two countries' border, an Afghan police official said on Wednesday [9 April 2008]. Afghanistan's western border with Iran is generally peaceful though smugglers occasionally clash with security forces. Afghan regional police chief Rahmatullah Safi said the 13 Afghans were refugees...

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US President Gets An Earful From Afghan Governors

'', Agence France Presse, 9 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Eight Afghan governors met with US President George W. Bush to tell him a few unpleasant truths about the plight of their country as coalition forces fight terrorists and the Taliban. While grateful for the overthrow of the Taliban regime and the changes taking place since 2001, the governors complained about the slow pace of progress and...

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Canadian Senator Sees Improvements In Afghanistan

Canada'Canadian Senator Says He Sees Improvements In Afghanistan', CTV News, 9 April 2008

EXCERPT: "A Liberal senator who just returned from Afghanistan says he's definitely seen improvements there since his last visit, citing a new road project and better co-operation. Sen. Colin Kenny, chair of the Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence, told Canada AM on Wednesday [9 April 2008] that an Afghan elder in the volatile Panjwaii...

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Afghanistan To Hold Separate Presidential, Parliamentary Elections

'', The Canadian Press, 9 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's election commission says separate presidential and parliamentary elections will be held in the next two years despite the high costs of such ballots. The Independent Election Commission originally recommended the elections be combined to save money. But commission head Azizullah Ludin says President Hamid Karzai,...

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