Archives for 21 April 2008

Troop Pledges By Allies Fall Short

US'Troop Pledges By Allies Fall Short', USA Today, 21 April 2008

EXCERPT: "The Bush administration's effort to get NATO allies to send new combat forces to Afghanistan has produced pledges from six countries for about 2,000 troops, far less than the 7,000 to 8,000 troops that NATO commanders say are needed. The reinforcements ? heralded by White House national security adviser Stephen Hadley at NATO's recent summit with the words 'help...

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NATO Undermining Opium Fight

NATO'NATO Undermining Opium Fight: Khalid', The Globe and Mail, 21 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Foreign troops have undermined the Afghan government's poppy-eradication campaign in Kandahar, the governor says, and the lack of support has added to the risks of the operation. At least 13 police have been killed and one reported missing during poppy eradication so far this month, and the task has been more difficult, Governor Asadullah Khalid said,...

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Afghanistan: United States Multidimensional Strategic Challenges Reviewed

Saag Dr. Subhash Kapila, 'Afghanistan: United States Multidimensional Strategic Challenges Reviewed', South Asia Analysis Group, 16 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan has once again rightfully shot back into focus especially in the United States where in a presidential election year national security issues and challenges receive detailed scrutiny.  Afghanistan has also shot back into strategic focus as it is has finally dawned on the...

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Afghan Dilemmas: Defining Commitments

Barnett R. Rubin, '', The American Interest Online, April 2008

EXCERPT: "The war in Afghanistan is not going well for U.S. and NATO forces. A by U.S. Army Colonel Thomas Lynch is critiqued by Afghanistan expert Barnett R. Rubin. Thomas Lynch has done a service by stating forthrightly that the United States is currently headed for 'strategic failure' in Afghanistan, and by focusing attention...

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The General Situation of Children in Afghanistan

'', Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), 2007

EXCERPT: "Various released reports indicate that the situation of children in Afghanistan is apprehensible. Children constitute a vulnerable and risk-prone category in Afghanistan. The place of residence, the existing cultural sensitivity, gender-based discrimination, and economic status are among the factors that give rise...

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Effective Factors Associated With Drug Addiction and the Consequences Of Addiction Among Afghan Women

'', Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), February 2008

EXCERPT: "Drug addiction is a major social problem worldwide. About 200 million of the global population, aged 15-64, has used illicit drugs at least once in the year 2007 (Schumacher et al, 2007: 2). Afghanistan is not immune to this social and health problem....

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US Veterans Sue Over "Poor Care"

US'US Veterans Sue Over "Poor Care"', BBC News, 21 April 2008

EXCERPT: "US veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are suing the government, claiming inadequate care is leading to an increase in suicides. A San Francisco court will hear the class action lawsuit against the Department of Veteran Affairs. The veterans say the department has been unable to deal with the growing incidence of depression and suicides. But government...

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US General Sees Afghan Gains In 3 Years

'', The New York Times, 21 April 2008

EXCERPT: "The Afghan Army and police forces should be able to secure most of Afghanistan by 2011, allowing international forces to start withdrawing, the American commander of the NATO-led force in Afghanistan, Gen. Dan K. McNeill, said Sunday [20 April 2008].  'By about 2011 there is going to be some pretty good capacity in the Afghan National Army,' he...

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Pentagon Chief Says Air Force Should Do More

'', Yahoo! News, 21 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Monday the Air Force is not doing enough to help in the Iraq and Afghanistan war effort, complaining that some military leaders are 'stuck in old ways of doing business.' Gates said in a speech at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., that getting the military services, largely the Air Force, to send more unmanned surveillance...

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Afghanistan Spending To Top $1-billion In 2008

'', The National Post, 20 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Canada's yearly cost of the war in Afghanistan doubled in 2006 and was projected to crack the $1-billion mark this year. An internal Defence Department report of the Afghanistan mission's costs, dated this past Jan. 25, shows that the incremental cost of the Afghan mission spiked noticeably to $803 million in the fiscal year of 2006-2007, nearly...

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