Sufficient Troops Needed Ahead Of Elections: NATO
12 March 2009
'Sufficient Troops Needed Ahead Of Elections: NATO', CBC News, 12 March 2009
EXCERPT: "NATO's chief is stressing the need for sufficient troops in Afghanistan to help build a civil society and ensure stability ahead of that country's elections in August, according to Reuters. 'We must ensure that we have sufficient troops on the ground to enforce security both during and after the coming election period,' Secretary...
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Taliban Poised At The Gates Of Kabul
12 March 2009
'Taliban Poised At The Gates Of Kabul', CNN International, 12 March 2009
EXCERPT: "A top Taliban commander has told CNN his insurgents are poised and ready to attack Kabul and could strike virtually anywhere in the city. It would be tempting to put this down to Taliban propaganda except one of Kabul's top cops is saying the same thing. 'We are working on a security strategy for the city and if we don't get it right,...
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Conflict Analysis: Kunduz City, Kunduz Province
12 March 2009
'', Cooperation for Peace and Unity (CPAU), 12 March 2009
EXCERPT: "This report is a conflict analysis for Kunduz Province and Kunduz City and suggests that promoting solutions to land conflicts should be central to attempts to reduce violent conflict in the region. The historical background of conflict in the province, the fragmentation of authority through small local commanders,...
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Creating Effective Afghan Security Forces
12 March 2009
Anthony H. Cordesman & Adam Mausner, '', Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 12 March 2009
EXCERPT: "There is no one solution to winning the Afghan-Pakistan War. The war is an ideological, civil, military and economic conflict that now affects two very different nations: Afghanistan and Pakistan. Success requires a broad strategy that integrates...
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