US Army Recruiting Ex-PKK Militants
11 March 2009
'US Army Recruiting Ex-PKK Militants', Press TV, 11 March 2009
EXCERPT: "Turkey's broadcaster Kanal D reported Tuesday that the US office in the northern Iraqi province of Arbil is employing the ex-members of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) who have fled PKK camps in northern Iraq to help US-led troops who are facing strong Taliban and al-Qaeda resistance in the war-ravaged Afghanistan. The report says the ex-PKK militants...
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Taliban Surge Commander Was Gitmo Detainee
11 March 2009
'', The Long War Journal, 11 March 2009
EXCERPT: "A former detainee at Guant?namo Bay has become the Taliban's chief operations officer in southern Afghanistan. The former detainee, Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul, was captured in Afghanistan in December of 2001 and transferred to Afghanistan six years later in December of 2007. His internment serial number (ISN) at Guant?namo was 8, a comparatively...
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Preliminary Discussions With Taliban Already Under Way
11 March 2009
'', The New York Times, 11 March 2009
EXCERPT: "Even as President Obama floated the idea of negotiating with moderate elements of the Taliban, Afghan and foreign officials here said that preliminary discussions with the Taliban leadership were already under way and could be developed into more formal talks with the support of the United States. The Afghan government...
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Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran Collaborate In Drug Crackdown
11 March 2009
'', The Associated Press, 11 March 2009
EXCERPT: "Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan carried out their first joint counter-narcotics operation this week, pooling intelligence to arrest suspects and seize drugs in an unprecedented show of cooperation, U.N. officials disclosed Wednesday. Officials at the Vienna-based U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime told The Associated Press the...
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