Human Security Indicators Project: Provincial Quarterly Reports
28 January 2011
[pdf], Cooperation for Peace and Unity (CPAU), January 2011
EXCERPT: "The Human Security Indicators Project was implemented by Cooperation for Peace and Unity (CPAU). Data collection was carried out in 9 districts in 3 provinces in Afghanistan from January ? March 2010. The sites include, Kabul Province: Kabul City, Kalakan and Surobi; Kunduz Province: Kunduz city,...
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Lack of Trainers Puts US Afghan Exit Strategy at Risk: Report
28 January 2011
Lack of Trainers Puts US Afghan Exit Strategy at Risk, Report Says, CNN, 28 January 2011
EXCERPT: "A new report questions whether the centerpiece of the Obama administration's exit strategy for Afghanistan -- a training program for Afghan security forces -- can deliver as promised. The United States says that it will gradually hand off responsibilities to Afghanistan security forces as it draws down U.S. troops between this summer...
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Kapisa Locals Claim Police Harassment but Praise Afghan Army
28 January 2011
Afghans Complain of Police Harassment, Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 28 January 2011
EXCERPT: "Zubair, 17, sits among the men and boys lounging by the wall of the mosque, cradling his arm, thickly wrapped in bandages. The cause of his injury, he says, was a police beating two weeks ago. 'I was coming home from the bazaar, riding my bicycle,' he said. 'The police stopped me and for no reason, they searched me and...
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Afghanistan, Pakistan Form Joint Commission to Facilitate Peace Talks
28 January 2011
Afghanistan Endgame: Body Formed to Pave Way for Taliban Talks, The Express Tribune, 28 January 2011
EXCERPT: "Pakistan and Afghanistan have established a joint commission to work out modalities for direct negotiations with the Taliban in a bid to accelerate the Afghan-Taliban reconciliation process. Headed by the Pakistani and Afghan foreign ministers, the bilateral commission will comprise top military and intelligence officials from...
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Suicide Bomber Targets Head of Blackwater at Kabul Supermarket, Kills Eight
28 January 2011
, The New York Times, 28 January 2011
EXCERPT: "An explosion on Friday afternoon in a Kabul supermarket frequented by foreigners killed at least eight people, including at least three foreign women, according to Gen. Ayoub Salangi, the Kabul Province police chief. A Taliban spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying that a suicide bomber had carried it out and...
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