Archives for 02 June 2010

Afghan Army Improves, But Still Lacks Leaders

Afghanistan Afghan Army Improves, But Still Lacks Leaders, Army Times 1 June 2010

EXCERPT: "The much-maligned Afghan National Army has shown significant improvement in quality over the past six months and is on track to meet numeric goals, a top U.S. trainer in Afghanistan said Tuesday. But the Afghan army has a 'critical shortfall' in enlisted and officer leadership, he said, and lacks the self-sustainment it needs to develop to become an independent...

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Afghans Told to Run Their Own Security

UK Afghans Told to Run Their Own Security, The Guardian, 1 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Britain is putting pressure on Afghanistan to assume full responsibility for its own security as soon as possible, officials said yesterday, as the US took over command of Helmand province. Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup, chief of the defence staff, joined Liam Fox, the defence secretary, at the prime minister's official residence, Chequers, for what officials...

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US Military Suspends Refueling at Vital Kyrgyz Base

, AFP, 2 June 2010

EXCERPT: "The US military has stopped flying aerial refueling tankers out of Krygyzstan as the government there presses to renegotiate a fuel contract for a major US base, the Pentagon said Tuesday. The Manas air field, a vital hub for the US-led force in Afghanistan, was 'still operational' but flights for KC-135 refueling aircraft had been suspended amid...

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Afghan Peace Jirga Disrupted by Rockets, Gunfire

Afghanistan Afghan Reconciliation Meeting Disrupted by Rockets, Gunfire, Bloomberg, 2 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Afghan President Hamid Karzai opened a conference on national reconciliation as rockets and gunfire erupted outside the meeting venue. More than 1,600 politicians, tribal elders and members of civil groups gathered in a tent on the Kabul University campus for the National Consultative Peace Conference. The first explosion occurred as Karzai prepared...

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