Archives for 31 October 2008

In The Hands Of The Taliban, Life Is Cheap

'', AFP, 31 October 2008

EXCERPT: "'We will behead him,' threatens a 25-year-old, self-proclaimed Taliban, as day-long negotiations on the fate of a shopkeeper abducted five days ago reach a critical point. Four worried-looking male relatives of captured Abdul Ahmad sit with their backs against the wall in a house of a low-level Taliban commander in a part of Wardak province where...

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Kabul Wants Local Militias To Bolster Security

Afghanistan 'Kabul Wants Local Militias To Bolster Security', The Globe and Mail, 31 October 2008

EXCERPT: "Tribal leaders with authority in some of the most dangerous border regions in southern Afghanistan have been asked by government officials to consider raising their own militias to fill security gaps insurgents are exploiting, tribal elders have told The Globe and Mail. Struggling to turn the tide in the battle with a resurgent Taliban,...

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Canada's Strategy In Afghanistan To Change

Canada 'Canada's Strategy In Afghanistan To Change', Edmonton Sun, 31 October 2008

EXCERPT: "Canada's strategy in Afghanistan will shift this winter, using improved Afghan security forces to seize and hold more territory now under the influence of the insurgents, the commanding officer of Task Force Kandahar said Friday. 'We now have even more capable Afghan national security forces,' said Gen. Denis Thompson. 'If...

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General Petraeus Sworn In As Head Of US Central Command

US 'General David Petraeus Sworn In As Head Of US Central Command', Los Angeles Times, 31 October 2008

EXCERPT: "General David H. Petraeus took charge of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq today, promising to tackle both immediate and long-term security challenges as he was sworn in as head of U.S. Central Command. Until last month, Petraeus was the top U.S. commander in Iraq. Now, as the top regional commander, Petraeus will continue...

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