Archives for 29 May 2008

Counterinsurgency Literature Reviewed, Prevailing Wisdom Questioned

Journal of Strategic Studies Michael Fitzsimmons, 'Hard Hearts and Open Minds? Governance, Identity and the Intellectual Foundations of Counterinsurgency Strategy', Journal of Strategic Studies, Volume 31, Issue 3 June 2008, pages 337 - 365

ABSTRACT: "The premise of most Western thinking on counterinsurgency is that success depends on establishing a perception of legitimacy among local populations. The path to legitimacy is often seen as the improvement of governance...

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Costs of Withdrawal Major Factor in War Support-Study

CMPS Patricia L. Sullivan, 'Sustaining the Fight: A Cross-Sectional Time-Series Analysis of Public Support for Ongoing Military Interventions', Conflict Management and Peace Science, Volume 25, Issue 2 June 2008, pages 112-135

EXCERPT: "The results of this analysis suggest that public concern about the costs of withdrawing from a conflict can be a more important determinant of willingness to persevere than sensitivity to the costs of war...

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