No "Artificial Timetable" for Withdrawal from Afghanistan
30 March 2010
No "Artificial Timetable" for Withdrawal from Afghanistan, The Telegraph, 30 March 2010
EXCERPT: "Bob Ainsworth, the defence secretary, has urged the Government not to set an 'artificial timetable' for withdrawal of British forces from Afghanistan. Both Mr Ainsworth and Liam Fox, the shadow defence secretary, said the success of the mission would determine when British troops return home during a debate at Chatham House...
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Afghan Exit Plan Intact Despite Clinton's Plea
30 March 2010
Afghan Exit Plan Intact Despite Clinton's Plea, CTV News, 30 March 2010
EXCERPT: "The government is sticking to its position that the Canadian Forces will not be involved in combat in Afghanistan beyond the end of next year, despite a public plea from the U.S. Secretary of State for Ottawa to extend the military's engagement in the Afghan theatre. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke to CTV's Power Play on Monday...
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Striking at Afghanistan Corruption
30 March 2010
Striking at Afghanistan Corruption, Al Jazeera, 30 March 2010
EXCERPT: "The unannounced, whirlwind visit of the US president to Afghanistan this past weekend appeared designed to appeal to multiple audiences, and to deliver multiple messages. Avoiding the effusive praise which is customary in such circumstances, Obama struck a cool and correct tone in public, while apparently delivering a firm message on the need for better performance...
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Afghan Offensive in Kandahar to Begin in June: US
30 March 2010
, AFP, 30 March 2010
EXCERPT: "NATO forces will begin their offensive on the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar in June, a US military official said, to regain ground against the fierce insurgency in their spiritual homeland. The offensive in the region 'has already begun,' the official told AFP late Monday on condition of anonymity, saying that in Kandahar 'operations will...
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