Pentagon Reports Bombing Mistakes
08 June 2009
'Pentagon Reports Mistakes By Bomber Crew In Afghan Incident', VOA News, 8 June 2009
EXCERPT: "The U.S. Defense Department says one of the aircraft involved in bombing an Afghan village a month ago, during an operation that caused numerous civilian casualties, violated rules designed to protect civilians. But a spokesman says there is no indication that the violation caused the casualties. Procedures for protecting civilians...
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Sexual Violence Against Children Common In Afghanistan
08 June 2009
'', The Canadian Press, 7 June 2009
EXCERPT: "The trafficking and sexual exploitation of children in Afghanistan is a growing concern, Canada's Foreign Affairs Department was told in a confidential human-rights report prepared by senior officials. The illegal marriage of underage girls and the sexual abuse of young boys is commonplace, warned the Afghanistan Human Rights...
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US Panel Finds Lax Oversight Of Wartime Contracting
08 June 2009
'', The Associated Press, 8 June 2009
EXCERPT: "The Defense Department has failed to provide adequate oversight over tens of billions of dollars in contracts to support military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, says a new report by an independent commission investigating waste and fraud in wartime spending. U.S. reliance on private sector employees has grown to 'unprecedented...
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Erratic Afghan Forces Pose Challenge To US Goals
08 June 2009
'', The New York Times, 7 June 2009
EXCERPT: "The Afghan foot patrol descended a mountain and slipped through a canyon. Then things went wrong. One Afghan soldier insulted another. And there, exposed on dangerous ground, a scuffle erupted. The soldiers turned on each other with shoves, punches and kicks. One swung an ammunition can in a slow-motion haymaker. The patrol had already...
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