Archives for 18 September 2009

Afghan Role At Stake In German Poll

Germany 'Afghan Role At Stake In German Poll', BBC News, 18 September 2009

EXCERPT: "Germany's opposition Left Party - Die Linke - has been quick to call for military withdrawal after an airstrike in Kunduz called by a German commander appeared to have killed dozens of civilians. Afghanistan, where Germany has 4,500 troops, has now become a central issue in the campaign ahead of the German general election on 27 September. The...

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Vote Uncertainty Sparks Dilemma For US

US '', The New York Times, 17 September 2009

EXCERPT: "The Obama administration now fears that the Afghan election may not produce a clear winner until next spring, which officials said could throw President Obama's policies into flux by leaving Afghanistan without a credible leader for months. The prospect of a runoff election is growing after President Hamid Karzai was awarded 54.6...

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Toward An Afghan Democracy?

AREU Anna Larson, 'Toward An Afghan Democracy?: Exploring Perceptions of Democratisation in Afghanistan', Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), 17 September 2009

EXCERPT: "Process, Afghanistan (with the input of international donors) has embarked on the technical and political process of democratisation. This has involved the (re-)establishment of a presidential system of government, a bicameral parliament, provincial...

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The Public Cost of Private Security

Jake Sherman and Victoria DiDomenico, '', Center for International Cooperation, 17 September 2009

EXCERPT: "The absence of effective oversight of the private security sector in Afghanistan undermines the credibility and safety of the Afghan government and the international stabilization effort. In September 2009, an investigation into ArmorGroup North America, the private...

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