Civilian Deaths Jeopardize Afghan War Effort: US
02 June 2009
'', AFP, 2 June 2009
EXCERPT: " The general chosen to lead US and NATO forces in Afghanistan warned that the war against insurgents could be lost unless civilian casualties were reduced. Lieutenant General Stanley McChrystal, nominated by President Barack Obama to take over as commander in Afghanistan, told a congressional hearing that civilian deaths from coalition operations...
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Confronting Child Labour In Afghanistan
02 June 2009
Amanda Sim, 'Confronting Child Labour In Afghanistan', Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), 31 May 2009
EXCERPT: "Child labour is an issue of growing concern in Afghanistan. According to recent estimates, one in four Afghan children aged seven to 14 is engaged in some form of work. This briefing paper explores why children in Afghanistan work, focusing specifically on factors that influence decision-making at the household...
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British Troops Killed Taliban Leader Mullah Mansur
02 June 2009
'Taliban Leader Mullah Mansur Killed By Apache Helicopters, Says MoD', Times Online, 2 June 2009
EXCERPT: "British attack helicopters in southern Afghanistan have killed a Taleban leader who has been connected to a suicide bomb attack last month that killed two British soldiers, the Ministry of Defence said yesterday. Mullah Mansur was also accused of masterminding other bombings against British and Afghan forces in and around...
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Afghanistan Expects Biggest Wheat Harvest In Decades
02 June 2009
'Afghanistan Expects Biggest Wheat Harvest In Decades', Daily Times, 2 June 2009
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan is projected this year to collect its biggest wheat harvest in 32 years, taking the impoverished country to near self-sufficiency in the staple crop, the agriculture minister said Tuesday. The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) expects a bumper harvest that is 63 percent higher than that of last year, mainly...
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