Archives for 23 March 2009

UNSC Extends Afghanistan Mission

UN 'Security Council Calls For Credible And Secure Afghan Polls, Extends UN Mission', UN News Centre, 23 March 2009

EXCERPT: "The Security Council today extended the United Nations presence in Afghanistan for another year, while recognizing the key role played by the world body in coordinating international efforts in the country and in supporting upcoming elections. In a unanimously adopted resolution, the 15-member body renewed...

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Plight Of Child Deportees From Iran

Iran 'Plight Of Child Deportees From Iran', IRIN News, 22 March 2009

EXCERPT: "The more than 1,000 children deported from Iran to Afghanistan's western province of Herat in 2008 face poverty and are at risk of abuse, according to the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and provincial authorities. Most of the deported teenagers were working as economic migrants in the neighbouring oil-rich country where they are considered 'illegal...

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Surge Of Private Security In Afghanistan

'', The Associated Press, 22 March 2009

EXCERPT: "The military buildup in Afghanistan is stoking a surge of private security contractors despite a string of deadly shootings in Iraq in recent years that has called into question the government's ability to manage the guns for hire. In recent online postings, the military has asked private security companies to protect...

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Assessment Of New Democratic Parties In Afghanistan

AREU_newdemocraticparties 'Afghanistan's New Democratic Parties: A Means to Organize Democratization?', Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), March 2009

EXCERPT: "In established democracies, political parties are institutions in which groups of people define and articulate collective political interests in the form of a platform, which is then widely associated with the name of the party. Voters are generally familiar with the platforms,...

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