U.S. Defense Secretary Critical of NATO Allies
13 December 2007
Ann Scott Tyson, ',' Washington Post, 12 December 2007
EXCERPT: "Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates sharply criticized NATO countries yesterday for not supplying urgently needed trainers, helicopters and infantry for Afghanistan as violence escalates there, vowing not to let the alliance 'off the hook.' Gates called for overhauling the alliance's Afghan strategy over the next three to five years, shifting...
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Opium is a 'Low Risk Crop in a High Risk Environment'
13 December 2007
David Mansfield and Adam Pain, 'Evidence from the Field: Understanding Changing Levels of Opium Poppy Cultivation in Afghanistan', Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, November 2007
EXCERPT: "The reasons behind changing levels of opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan's rural provinces must be better understood and reflected in counter narcotics strategies, argues a new briefing paper from the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation...
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