Election Commission Rejects Early Election
04 March 2009
'Afghan Election Commission Rejects Karzai Request for Early Election', VOA News, 4 March 2009
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's election committee has rejected President Hamid Karzai's request to move up the date for presidential elections to late April. In a widely anticipated announcement in Kabul, the committee said it still considers August 20 as the ideal time for safely holding free and fair elections. President Karzai...
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Afghans Face Obstacles In Securing Pakistan Border
04 March 2009
'Afghans Face Obstacles In Securing Pakistan Border', NPR, 4 March 2009
EXCERPT: "The 1,500-mile-long border Afghanistan shares with Pakistan is a wild and dangerous place, one ruled more by gunmen and tribes than by the government in Kabul. The border also plays a key role in the growing insurgency in Afghanistan, providing militants a route to sanctuaries and supplies that Western and Afghan officials want shut down. But...
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Lack Of Policemen Willing To Work In Afghanistan
04 March 2009
'Policemen Willing To Work In Afghanistan Lacking: Czech Minister', Ceske Noviny, 4 March 2009
EXCERPT: "European politicians are looking in vain for policemen willing to go to Afghanistan to help train their colleagues, Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg told journalists today, admitting that he himself had confronted similar problems. At the end of February, NATO, for which the security in Afghanistan is one of the...
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Canada's Engagement in Afghanistan
04 March 2009
'', Government of Canada, 4 March 2009
EXCERPT: "Building Afghanistan's capacity to provide basic services to its citizens?this ranks among the most urgent priorities of Canada's Afghan engagement. And progress has been achieved, even amid the violence and disorder of war. In this quarter, with Canada's help, another school opened in Kandahar....
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