Archives for 12 August 2008

India Frustrated by a Rudderless Pakistan

'', The New York Times, 12 August 2008

EXCERPT: "Usually, when two rival nations try to work toward peace, their governments talk to each other. And at least in an official capacity, that is still happening between nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan, even as the peace between them lies tattered. But the problem, the Indian side contends, is that by talking to the new civilian government...

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Civilians Die In Pakistan Battles

Pakistan 'Civilians Die In Pakistan Battles', BBC News, 12 August 2008

EXCERPT: "Seven civilians have died in violent clashes between militants and security forces in a tribal area near Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, officials say. The army says more than 50 militants have been killed in fighting in the Bajaur tribal area since Sunday night. The militants have denied this. Fierce battles broke out in the region last week when security forces...

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ICRC Assists Thousands Of Displaced People

Icrc 'ICRC Assists Thousands Of Displaced People', IRIN News, 12 August 2008

EXCERPT: "Over 9,500 people displaced from their homes by conflict in southern and central Afghanistan have received food and non-food assistance from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Geneva-based organisation said. 'During the month of July only 1,372 households displaced due to the conflict received ICRC essential food and non-food assistance,'...

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Wounded Canadians Better Cared In Afghanistan Than Back Home: Report

'', Report of the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence, Second Session / Thirty-ninth Parliament, August 2008

EXCERPT: "Since the Government of Canada began its military mission to Afghanistan in 2002, 88 Canadian soldiers and 1 diplomat have been killed there. Another 2801 have been wounded, some seriously. Non-battle injuries ? including personnel repatriated to Canada for compassionate reasons,...

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