Archives for 24 March 2011

Seeking Solutions for Afghanistan: Second Report on the Abu Dhabi Process

east-west-abudhabiThe governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan have accepted a generous proposal from the government of Abu Dhabi to host a series of meetings facilitated by the EastWest Institute (EWI) to complement existing channels of communication between the two countries. Participants in the series, known as the Abu Dhabi Process, discuss areas of their relationship they believe will help build confidence, ensure greater stability, and enhance sustainable development...

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US Promises to Better Coordinate with Partners on Afghan Drug Raids

The United States said on Thursday it would coordinate better with its partners on heroin raids in Afghanistan after rattling Kabul officials with an operation with Russia last year. Over the past two years the former Cold War foes have been tackling heroin production in Afghanistan, which produces 90 percent of the global total, as Russia struggles to contain a crippling HIV/AIDS crisis. A joint raid last October, in which they destroyed four drug...

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Taliban Threat Shuts Helmand Mobile Network

Helmand-mapMobile phones have fallen silent in Afghanistan's southern Helmand province on the orders of the Taliban, telecoms engineers said, a potent reminder of insurgent power in an area chosen as the showcase for a transition to Afghan security. There has been no service for five days on any network in restive Helmand, where Afghan police and army are slated to take control of the capital, Lashkar Gah, from foreign forces in July, as the first step towards...

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NATO Airstrike Accidently Kills 2 Civilians while Targeting an Insurgent Leader

US FlagA NATO helicopter gunship inadvertently killed two civilians while attacking suspected insurgents in the northern province of Khost, NATO announced Thursday. The attack targeted a Haqqani network leader in Tere Zayi district on Wednesday, according to NATO. "At the time of the strike, two civilians were walking near the moving targeted vehicle," NATO said Thursday. "They were previously unseen by coalition forces prior to the initiation of the airstrike....

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