06 July 2010
Taliban Reject Mullah Omar's Arrest, PressTV, 6 July 2010
EXCERPT: "Taliban militants in Afghanistan have rejected reports that their reclusive leader Mullah Mohammad Omar has been arrested in neighboring Pakistan. Speaking on Tuesday, Taliban spokesperson Zabeeh Ullah dismissed the report as part of the Western media propaganda efforts. Ullah said that Mullah Omar was still in Afghanistan and called on the US to withdraw its troops...
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Afghanistan Urges Pakistan to Target Terror Groups
06 July 2010
, AFP, 6 July 2010
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's national security adviser has called on the Pakistani government to 'take serious measures' against Islamist groups launching attacks on Afghan targets from secure havens inside Pakistan. Rangin Dadfar Spanta spoke to AFP in an interview a week after the Al-Jazeera television network said Afghan President Hamid Karzai had met the...
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Al-Qaida Ties Obstacle to Afghan Peace
06 July 2010
, The Associated Press, 3 July 2010
EXCERPT: "Afghan President Hamid Karzai is using old friends and new allies to try to bring some of the fiercest Taliban to the negotiating table, although their links to al-Qaida might scuttle any deal. Pakistan is trying to broker a deal between the Afghan government and the Haqqani group, one of the most violent Taliban factions led by veteran rebel...
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11 NATO Soldiers Killed in 6 Days
06 July 2010
, China View, 6 July 2010
EXCERPT: "The month of July seems to be tough for the NATO-led troops in the war-torn Afghanistan as 11 soldiers with the military alliance have been killed since the beginning this month. Six service members with the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) soldiers, according to ISAF press releases lost their lives in...
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