Archives for 21 November 2008

US Troops To Surge In Afghanistan

US 'US Troops To Surge In Afghanistan',, 21 November 2008

EXCERPT: "The United States will send about 20,000 more soldiers into Afghanistan next year in a bid to make the country secure enough for elections expected there in the fall, U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates said Friday following a meeting with Canadian Defence Minister Peter MacKay and other allied governments. The troop surge - one of the largest single...

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Poor Security Imperils Afghan Vote, Report Warns

Afghanistan 'Poor Security Imperils Afghan Vote, Report Warns', The Globe and Mail, 21 November 2008

EXCERPT: "The impending elections in Afghanistan risk being undermined by poor security and other problems that could make the votes a flashpoint for ethnic and tribal feuds, according to an unpublished study. The 21-page briefing paper by Grant Kippen, a Canadian who previously chaired the country's Electoral Complaints Commission,...

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UN Security Council On Fact-Seeking Mission In Afghanistan

'', AFP, 21 November 2008

EXCERPT: "The UN Security Council on Saturday will go on a fact-finding mission in Afghanistan to evaluate the ongoing situation in a country wracked by 30 years of war and violence and considered a major global security threat. Headed by Italy's UN Ambassador, Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata, the delegation includes representatives of the 15...

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Could Pomegranates Replace Poppies?

Afghanistan 'Afghanistan-Brand Pomegranates: Could They Replace Poppies As Country's Biggest Cash Crop?', Los Angeles Times, 21 November 2008

EXCERPT: "This ancient land is telling the world that it has a trendy, new replacement for its dreaded poppy crop: sweet, juicy pomegranates. The country will stamp a logo on all boxes of the pomegranate for export: a drawing of the sliced, red fruit with seeds spilling out and a label that announces,...

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