Archives for 11 May 2011

100 Taliban Fighters Engage Police in Northern Jawzjan Province

Jawzjan-ProvinceAfghan police were also engaged in fierce battles with about 100 Taliban fighters on motorcycles who attacked Abduraman village in northern Jawzjan province late Tuesday. In an overnight firefight that raged intensely for two hours, 17 insurgents and one villager were killed, provincial police chief Abdul Aziz Ghyrat said. He added that the fighting ended shortly before dawn. The villagers fought the attackers themselves until reinforcements arrived...

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US Improves System for Afghan Detainees but Still Fails to Comply with Int'l Law: Report

HRF-Detained-Denied-in-AfghanistanMore than 1700 prisoners currently detained by the United States in Afghanistan do not have the right to see evidence being used against them or the right to legal representation in breech of the minimum standards of due process required by international law, a new report finds. The findings, released today by Human Rights First, come as the number of detainees held at the United States’ Bagram Air Base surpasses 1,700 – almost triple...

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US Places Haqqani Network Commander Badruddin Haqqani on Terrorism List

usa-flagThe Secretary of State has designated Haqqani Network (HQN) Commander Badruddin Haqqani under Executive Order 13224, which targets terrorists and those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism. As a result of the designation, all property subject to U.S. jurisdiction in which Badruddin Haqqani has any interest is blocked and U.S. persons are prohibited from engaging in any transactions with him. This action will help stem the flow of...

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After bin Laden's Death, US Ready to Reassess Afghan Strategy

usa-flagTwo influential senators — John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, and Richard G. Lugar, Republican of Indiana — suggested Tuesday that it was time to rethink the Afghanistan war effort, forecasting the beginning of what promises to be a fierce debate about how quickly the United States should begin pulling troops out of the country. “We should be working toward the smallest footprint necessary, a presence that puts Afghans in charge...

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