Denmark Strengthens Presence In Afghanistan
10 July 2008
'Denmark Strengthens Presence In Afghanistan', Defense News, 9 July 2008
EXCERPT: "Denmark probably will reduce its troops in Afghanistan in 2010 or withdraw them, according to senior Armed Forces Command chiefs. The position-statement came as the Folketing, Denmark's parliament, approved funding to increase the size of the Danish contingent to Afghanistan by 20 percent to 750 troops. 'Our operations and our training functions with the...
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Canadian PM Too Bullish On Afghan Challenge: Critics
10 July 2008
'PM Too Bullish On Afghan Challenge, Critics Warn', The Globe and Mail, 10 July 2008
EXCERPT: "Talk to the U.S. military's top brass and you'll hear how their highest ranking officer is 'deeply troubled' about the challenge in Afghanistan as Taliban attacks intensify. But talk to the Canadian government or military and instead you'll be told the recent 'uptick' in Taliban attacks is simply what's expected during the busy spring-summer...
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European MPs Want Action On Taliban Funding
10 July 2008
'European MPs Want Action On Taliban Funding', ADN Kronos, 10 July 2008
EXCERPT: "A group of European MPs have called for urgent action to stop the Taliban from trafficking drugs and drawing financial support from outside Afghanistan. Three Italian MPs from the conservative People of Freedom party - Stefano Zappala, Giuseppe Gargani and Marcello Vernola - and their German colleague Klaus-Heiner Lehne have expressed concern about the...
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Russia Suggests Creating Drug Security Belts Around Afghanistan
10 July 2008
'Russia Suggests Creating Drug Security Belts Around Afghanistan', ITAR-TASS, 10 July 2008
EXCERPT: "Russia suggested creating belts of drug and financial security around Afghanistan to seal off drug trafficking aiding terrorists. Speaking at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Afghanistan on Wednesday, Russian chief delegate to the UN Vitaly Churkin emphasised that such a measure would deprive 'drug barons and terrorists of their...
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Armchair Pilots Striking Afghanistan By Remote Control
10 July 2008
'Armchair Pilots Striking Afghanistan By Remote Control', CNN, 10 July 2008
EXCERPT: "From a desert outpost northwest of Las Vegas, elite fighter pilots journey to a war zone in Afghanistan, some 7,500 miles away. It might be the world's longest commute, except that these armchair pilots at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada never leave the air-conditioned comfort of their command center. Air Force pilots are employing remotely controlled...
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Afghanistan Links Pakistan's Truce With Rebels To Violence
10 July 2008
'', AFP, 10 July 2008
EXCERPT: "Afghan Foreign Minister Rangin Dadfar Spanta told the UN Security Council Wednesday that a key factor behind the worsening security in his country was 'the de facto truce' in neighboring Pakistan's tribal areas. 'One of the main factors contributing to the deterioration of the security situation in the country is the de facto truce in the tribal...
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British Minister Sees "Long Haul" In Afghanistan
10 July 2008
'', International Herald Tribune, 10 July 2008
EXCERPT: "Iraq is headed in the right direction in struggling against insurgents, while it will be a longer haul to achieve success in Afghanistan, British Defense Minister Des Browne said Thursday on a visit for talks at the Pentagon and White House. Affirming Britain's longtime 'special ties' with the United States, Browne said...
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NATO Commander Seeks AWACS Planes
10 July 2008
'NATO Commander Seeks AWACS Planes For Afghanistan', Reuters, 10 July 2008
EXCERPT: "NATO's commander in Afghanistan has asked the alliance to send surveillance planes to the country to help the battle against insurgents, an official said on Thursday [10 July 2008]. The request, if approved, could pose political problems for Germany, which supplies many of the personnel for the planes and which might need parliamentary approval for the...
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Malaysia Will Help To Train Teachers For Afghanistan
10 July 2008
'Malaysia Will Help To Train Teachers For Afghanistan', The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 July 2008
EXCERPT: "Australia and Malaysia will work together to train teachers in Afghanistan and to boost the peacekeeping capacity of regional military forces under a novel series of initiatives announced by the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, and his Malaysian counterpart, Abdullah Badawi, yesterday [10 July 2008]. The two leaders also agreed to a sister...
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Afghanistan: Invest In People
10 July 2008
'', Refugees International, 10 July 2008
EXCERPT: "The humanitarian situation is worsening in Afghanistan. Millions of Afghans need help rebuilding their lives and country. While all Afghans suffer from the government's poor capacity and the country's lack of services, Afghan refugees and returnees have been neglected and are particularly vulnerable. To increase regional stability, the United States and other...
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