Archives for 12 February 2009

Security Up At Porous Afghan Border

Afghanistan 'Security Up At Porous Afghan Border', The Christian Science Monitor, 12 February 2009

EXCERPT: "This week's brazen assault in Kabul underscored a major security gap for Afghanistan: its porous 1,500-mile-long border with Pakistan's tribal areas, where militants can plan attacks and take refuge. Wednesday's insurgents sent text messages to contacts in Pakistan before launching an attack on three government offices...

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The Way Forward In Afghanistan

Germany 'The Way Forward In Afghanistan - Essay By Former Chancellor Gerhard Schroder', Spiegel Online, 12 February 2009

EXCERPT: "In discussions, especially with young people, I am often asked whether I believe that the deployment of German soldiers in Afghanistan is justified and successful. I respond by describing my visit to Kabul in May 2002. At the time, shortly after the overthrow of the Taliban, I visited a newly opened school,...

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Britain Ready To Send 300 More Troops

UK 'Britain Ready To Send 300 More Troops To Help "Surge" In Afghanistan', Times Online, 12 February 2009

EXCERPT: "Britain is preparing to send 300 more troops to Afghanistan, which could mark the extent of its contribution to the US-led 'surge'. Britain will deploy the specialist troops within weeks in a move being seen as an attempt to head off any larger request for British forces from President Obama. The...

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US Military Faulted On Weapons Tracking

'', The New York Times, 11 February 2009

EXCERPT: "The American military has not properly tracked tens of thousands of weapons the Pentagon bought and shipped to Afghan security forces, leaving the arms at risk of being stolen or sold to militants, according to a new federal report that is to be presented at a House panel hearing on Thursday. American military officials failed to keep...

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