Archives for 04 October 2010

Taliban Attacks NATO Supply Trucks in Pakistan

, The Associated Press, 4 October 2010

EXCERPT: "The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility Monday for a pre-dawn attack on tankers carrying fuel to Afghanistan for U.S. and other NATO forces, left vulnerable on the side of the road after Pakistan shut down a key border crossing. About a dozen militants peppered the vehicles parked at a truck stop on the outskirts of the capital Islamabad...

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Karzai Begins Disbanding Private Security Firms

AfghanistanAfghan President Begins Disbanding Private Security Firms, Los Angeles Times, 4 October 2010

EXCERPT: "Moving to enforce a pledge that has rattled Afghanistan's foreign community, President Hamid Karzai has begun dissolving the Afghan operations of private security companies, including the firm formerly known as Blackwater, the government announced Sunday. Karzai caught Western officials by surprise in mid-August when he announced...

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Criminal Groups Pose Threat to Non-Governmental Organizations

Afghanistan Afghanistan: Criminal Groups Pose Significant Risk to NGOs, IRIN News, 4 October 2010

EXCERPT: "Armed violence has been widespread since the demise of the Taliban regime nine years ago but NGOs are not being deliberately targeted by Taliban insurgents, according to the Afghanistan NGO Safety Office (ANSO). 'We don?t believe the Taliban have a strategic intent to target NGOs,' Nic Lee, director of ANSO, told IRIN, adding that...

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Protracted Conflicts Boost World Refugee Totals: UNHCR

UN Protracted Conflicts Boosting World Refugee Totals-UN, AlertNet, 4 October 2010

EXCERPT: "Protracted conflicts around the globe are driving up refugee totals and creating new populations who need to be resettled in other countries, United Nations refugee chief Antonio Guterres said on Monday. And in an address to his UNHCR agency's governing executive committee, he called on the international community to offer broader and better...

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Afghan Colonel Vital to US Despite Graft Allegations

, The Washington Post, 4 October 2010

EXCERPT: "When Abdul Razziq, a colonel in the Afghan Border Police, walks through the chockablock bazaar in this sand-swept trading hub on the frontier with Pakistan, he is mobbed by a crowd that deferentially addresses him as General Razziq. Young boys want his photograph. Gray-bearded men offer him tea. Merchants refuse to sell him anything -...

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