Archives for 28 April 2008

US Short Of Diplomats For Iraq, Afghanistan Reconstruction

'', Agence France Presse, 28 April 2008

EXCERPT: "The State Department is short of staff to meet the Pentagon's need to reinforce the provincial reconstruction teams (PRT) in Iraq and Afghanistan, a senior US official said Monday [28 April 2008]. To press his point, Eliot Cohen, counselor to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, noted that the Defense Department employs more...

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A Contradictory Mission? NATO From Stabilization To Combat In Afghanistan

International Peacekeeping

Astri Suhrke, 'A Contradictory Mission? NATO From Stabilization To Combat In Afghanistan', International Peacekeeping, Volume 15 Issue 2 April 2008, p. 214-236

EXCERPT: "Between 2001 and 2007, the United States and NATO gradually abandoned the commitment to a light military footprint in Afghanistan, initially adopted to avoid making the same mistakes as the Soviet Union. A heavy footprint, it was feared, would enable the militants...

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Playing With Fire? The International Community's Democratization Experiment In Afghanistan

International Peacekeeping Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh & Michael Schoiswohl, 'Playing With Fire? The International Community's Democratization Experiment In Afghanistan', International Peacekeeping, Volume 15 Issue 2 April 2008, p. 252-267

EXCERPT: "Since the fall of the Taliban regime, Afghanistan has become an experiment for the international community in installing democracy from outside. Externally led democratization against rushed timetables and based on...

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The United Nations Assistance Mission In Afghanistan: Impartiality In New UN Peace Operations

JisYuka Hasegawa, 'The United Nations Assistance Mission In Afghanistan: Impartiality In New UN Peace Operations', Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Volume 2 Issue 2 June 2008, p. 209-226

EXCERPT: "Set within the complex contemporary context of international interventions, UN peacekeeping operations have now evolved into peace operations. The emergence of the concepts of human security and the responsibility to protect have raised...

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Afghanistan Remains NATO Most Important Operation

NATO 'Afghanistan Remains NATO Most Important Operation', International News Network Pakistan, 28 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan remains one of the most important operations of NATO and this was reflected in the NATO summit in Bucharest early this month wherein its member nations pledged more support for this war-torn country, top US officials have said. Testifying before a Congressional Committee this week Daniel Fried, Acting under Secretary...

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More Afghanistan Deaths Likely: Australian PM

Australia'More Afghanistan Deaths Likely: Australian PM', The Australian, 28 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Kevin Rudd has warned the nation to 'steel itself for higher casualties' in Afghanistan after a violent battle that killed one Australian army commando overnight and wounded four soldiers. But the Prime Minister ruled out boosting Australian troops in the region, instead calling on other nations to share the burden and demand a better strategy to...

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Afghan Women And Ex-Combatants Turn To Gardening

Un'Afghan Women And Ex-Combatants Turn To Gardening For Peace And Prosperity', United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), 28 April 2008

EXCERPT: "An innovative gardening and literacy programme delivered by the United Nations is offering Afghan women and ex-combatants the chance for a fresh start by providing literacy classes and the opportunity to make an income from setting up their own gardening nurseries. The Green Afghanistan...

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Allegations Lead US Army to Review Arms Policy

'', The New York Times, 27 April 2008

EXCERPT: "The United States Army has begun a broad review of procedures used to supply security forces in Afghanistan and Iraq with foreign arms, prompted by an allegation of fraud and questions about the competence of the main private supplier of ammunition to Afghanistan.  The company, AEY Inc. of Miami Beach, was suspended last month after Army investigators...

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IDPs Reluctant To Return Home

Afghanistan_2'IDPs Reluctant To Return Home', Integrated Regional Information Network, 28 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Almost a month after the Afghan government launched a fresh effort to encourage the return of thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) from the three largest IDP camps to their home provinces (mostly in the north), only about 130 families have opted to return, the Ministry of Refugees and Returnees Affairs (MoRRA) said. At least 150,000...

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Food Shortage Triggering Riots

Afghanistan'Afghanistan's Food Shortage Triggering Riots', OneWorld South Asia, 28 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Afghans across the country are expressing frustration at the sharp rise in food prices, mirroring trends elsewhere around the globe. Observers worry that the continuing food insecurity will force millions to go hungry and spark widespread instability. The price of flour has jumped almost 100% in the first months of this year. Rice prices have...

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