Archives for 09 January 2008

Pentagon Proposes Afghanistan Surge

US Department of DefenseLolita C. Baldor, '', Associated Press, 9 January 2008

EXCERPT: "The Pentagon is preparing to send at least 3,000 Marines to Afghanistan in April to bolster efforts to hold off another expected Taliban offensive in the spring, military officials said Wednesday. The move represents a shift in Pentagon thinking that has been slowly developing after months of repeated insistence that the U.S. was...

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2007 Security Statistics Released

A series of graphs documenting the security situation in Afghanistan have been circulated on Dr. Barnett Rubin's .

These data indicate that violence remains concentrated in the south and east, and has declined...

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Canadian Opposition Opposes Extending Afghan Combat Mission

Bruce Campion-Smith, '', Toronto Star, 9 January 2008

EXCERPT: "Canada should remain committed to Afghanistan but the current combat mission in Kandahar must end in just over a year, federal Liberals say. Canada should instead look at other roles for the military, such as training the Afghan National Army and police, protecting Afghan civilians or leading reconstruction efforts, the party said...

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